As part of the 14th International Exhibition UzCharmExpo-ShoesStar EuraAsia-2023, a meeting was held at the Uzcharmsanoat Association with Khairiya Kanbolat, editor-in-chief of the Turkish leather magazine Turkish.
It is worth noting that the Uzcharmsanoat association attaches great importance to cooperation with international industry and economic publications, as an important factor in improving the image of the Uzbek leather industry and attracting more investors to the country, opening new markets for products under the brand name “Made in Uzbekistan”. This was the subject of the meeting organized as part of the next expo event.
For reference: the Turkish leather edition was founded in 2005. Its activity is aimed at covering news in the leather and footwear industry in Turkey and the world. The magazine also develops recommendations for foreign investors through its analytical articles.
In a conversation with a Turkish publication, they talked about the phenomenon of a sharp and rapid development of the leather and footwear industry in Uzbekistan. In this vein, Khairiya Kanbolat said that she was enthusiastically observing the reforms carried out in Uzbekistan in recent years, the dynamics of the development of the leather and footwear industry, which has reached the industrial level and is becoming one of the driving forces in the country's economy, and also noted the achievements of the export and investment activities that could find its worthy reflection on the pages of Turkish leather.
Within the framework of mutual cooperation, an agreement was reached on the preparation of a series of analytical articles for the Turkish leather magazine in order to disclose to the foreign business community, in particular Turkish companies, the achievements and opportunities of the leather, footwear and fur industry of our country.